There was no secret that he was overweight (for a footballer of his physical stature), and he had been so since the back end of last season. So the natural and right thing to do for City was to reintroduce Carlos gradually, and to put him on a strict training plan, which they did. That training plan has not yet been completed.
A club spokesman informed the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail "Carlos returned from his trip to Argentina and was not match fit. The coaches therefore devised a training plan to return him to full match fitness. Carlos is part way through that plan and is due to resume training this morning (09/11/2011) at Carrington following a rest day."

I can only imagine what Bobby Manc is thinking now after offering Carlos a way back into the team as yet again his and the club's efforts to help the Argentine have been thrown back into their face. But what is the reason for the sudden return to Argentina? It must be a good one, surely. Carlos wanted, and I quote, to "rest a little". The less said about that the better I think.

Make no mistake about it, this is a cu.. (stop it), a stunt designed to reduce Carlos's stock in world football even further than it already has. This in turn will allow potential suitors to be able to afford him and will force City to accept a reduced fee for a player they are desperate to get rid of.
And who are interested in him the most? I'd have to say Corinthians, and if I was a betting man I'd put money on them releasing another statement in the next few days saying they're still interested but worried they wont be able to afford him. Just like they did after the Munich debacle.
Carlos made no bones about wanting to return there once they showed a little interest, however Corinthians just couldn't afford the asking price, and even that was reduced for their benefit. Now however, especially if Carlos keeps up these ridiculous stunts, City are more likely to accept a knock down fee for him just to get rid of the aggro he's causing.
Expect him to be playing in Brazil by the end of January. But do I really care where he goes? No, as long as he's not in Manchester.
Twitter: @MikeWalsh1880
Facebook: David-Silvas-Left-Foot
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