So 'Onest 'Arry is taking Ade to Spurs on a season long loan, and after the abysmal display from his strikers last season who can blame him?
I wonder how long it will be before Ade opens his mouth again only to contradict something he's already said? He's already contradicted himself so many times in the run up to this.
First he came out with that he loves Arsenal and its fans whilst on loan at Real and despite the fact that the majority of them hate him, even more so after 'that' goal celebration. But he then has the idiocy to say that Spurs was his preferred loan move until Real came in for him and City chose to send him to Real, but this was only after Spurs had shown some interest in him when the season finished of course and Real didn't make any moves for a permanent move.
Now correct me if I'm wrong but if you truly loved a club and its fans would you then be openly saying you want to move to their local rivals? Yes I know it's not unheard of but come on, at least be consistent with what you say and what you actually do. I doubt the Gunners will be showing much love for him when he trots out onto the pitch in the 'chicken on a bascketball' shirt.
He also said that he doesn't really mind the chants that he was subjected to by Spurs fans whilst on loan in Madrid last season, and that they didn't even bother him. Although at the time he made an official complaint about them as he perceived them to be racist. That's hardly making out that it's water off a duck's back is it?
Anyway... It's clear that City will be subsidising his wages, however it appears that Spurs will be forking out more than they initially wanted to as well as paying a loan fee to City which will cover most if not all his remaining wages.
I did try and get a quote from Twitcher, actually I didn't as I'm not really bothered about what rent-a-quote has to say, but if I was to ask him about the deal he'd probably say something on the lines of; "Yeah e's a triffic lad, triffic player. E'll make a real diffrence to the squad, top top clarss player. Yeah triffic." Or something along those lines, probably.